Designing for Wonder & Wellbeing

“Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters and teach us more than we can ever learn from books.” 

John Lubbock

My passion lies in creating experiences and environments that inspire a sense of wonder, calm, joy, exploration and playfulness. I am an expert at creating innovative interior and exterior spaces for children, businesses and adult engagement. My mission is to design holistic learning environments that inspire individuals to reach their full potential.


We all need Wonder & Wellbeing

It is essential for every person, young to old, to take time to explore, be surprised and take in the world around them. This has always been important, but in our world today, it is a priority for every community, school, and business. At Turtlewings, the aim is to add an abundance of Wonder and Wellbeing into every design solution!

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